What Does The Cross Mean To You?

The Cross is quite the symbol. Pretty much recognized anywhere. If you don’t think of Jesus specifically, then you’re probably thinking about something religious or spiritual. Regardless, it’s one of the most recognizable symbols ever.

What Does the Cross Mean to You?

In the context that I am talking about, the Cross represents Jesus Christ. It represents the Gospel. It represents the Good News. Here’s the fact –  God sent His only Son, Jesus, to come live the perfect life as fully man and fully God, take the wrath of God (penalty for our past, present, and future sins), and die on the Cross. Then He rose again defeating sin and death! That is the Cross.

The Bible talks about how all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), and how the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). If it stops there, that is pretty depressing being that we are all sinners and we deserve death. However, it does not stop there. There is a way to defeat this death and it is through Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). He knew no sin but became sin and took our place. He gave us freedom when we deserved justice. He gives us life when we deserve death. Those who decide to follow Him are forgiven, forever. That is the Gospel.

For Those Who Don’t Yet Follow Him

I would encourage you if you have not trusted Christ and surrendered to Him, that you could consider doing so today. Think through this, “Who is Jesus to you personally?” Ask questions, seek this out, read the Bible if even for the very first time, pray to God to reveal Himself to you. Why would you not consider asking these questions if there’s any chance that this is all true? I can guarantee you that it’s true, it’s all worth it, and Jesus is better.

For Those Who Follow Him

Christian, how does the cross play a part in your life today? Sure, you understand what I mean by the Gospel, but when it comes to that very same Gospel, does it still apply to you today or was that a “one time thing?” Does the cross get bigger for you each day?

As you continue each day after trusting in Christ, are you growing in awareness of God’s Holiness? Likewise, are you growing in awareness of your sinfulness? Lastly, are you growing in awareness of God’s Grace through His Holiness?

Does the cross get bigger for you each day? Don’t lose sight of what Jesus has done.

I must confess myself this is not always the case, and at times it seems like the cross actually gets smaller for me when I do not trust in what Jesus did for me to be sufficient. Instead, in those moments I’m trusting in myself. However, I know that if I bring myself before the cross each day, I’ll see just how sinful I am and my desire for Jesus will grow. I’ll be incredibly grateful for everything He has done with me and will respond with joyful obedience.

“When our Father looks at us, He does not see our miserable performance. Instead, He sees the perfect performance of Jesus. And because of the perfect holiness of Jesus, He sees us as holy and without blemish.” – Jerry Bridges

Let me encourage you that no matter what situation you are in, or no matter how sinful you may think you are, that the cross is big enough. Jesus only had to die one time. If you’re a follower of Jesus, when God looks at you, He does not see your sinfulness, but rather He sees you through His Son. Trust in Jesus taking the weight and burden off of you.

Questions: So what does the cross mean to you, personally? Does the cross get bigger for you each day?

Here are other Frequently Asked Questions and how the Bible answers them.


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Wayne Stiles
Wayne Stiles
10 years ago

I love this, Mike, because it reminds me how important communion is to us as believers. “Do this in remembrance of Me,” causes us to continually “remember the Lord’s death until He comes.” The cross means more to me the longer I live. Thanks for this reminder today.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Wayne Stiles
10 years ago

Thanks Wayne! Agree with you big time on the longer I live, the Cross seems to get bigger and better each day!



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Mike Mobley

My prayer is that through Before The Cross whether or not you’re a follower of Christ, that you can ask questions, seek and obtain truth from the Bible, and explore various resources to help you each day.


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